Accomodation & Hotels

The conference will take place in the center of Bordeaux (place Pey Berland) at the crossing of two tramway lines (station "Hotel de ville", tramway A and B).

Many hotels and restaurants are located nearby.

Several hotels are even located within walking distance to  the place pey Berland and for a global view of their location, you can follow the link below :,-0.5777022,15z/data=!4m5!2m4!3m3!1zaMO0dGVscw!2sPlace+Pey+Berland,+33000+Bordeaux!3s0xd5527c483604d5b:0x8f2d09019bfdb140


Tramway are also very efficient inside Bordeaux and, for instance, it would take approximately 20 minutes to go from the conference center (35 place Pey berland) to "apparthotel teneo" in Talence,  where you can rent studio at affordable prices.



We hope that you will take the opportunity to enjoy the various restaurant available near the conference center (not that because of space constraints, the lunch are not organised by the conference) and to have an idea of the possibilities, you can consult the site:,-0.5779838,17z/data=!4m5!2m4!3m3!1srestaurants!2sUniversite+Bordeaux+4,+35+Place+Pey+Berland,+33000+Bordeaux,+France!3s0xd5527c386d0f62b:0x38bdc529de0c7e8



General informations on the city of bordeaux can be obtained on the Bordeaux tourist office website:

Informations about the surroundings can also be obtained on the aquitaine tourist website:


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